Text functions

Text related functions.

There was a small question whether the class name should be renamed from Energy.Base.Text to something else to avoid possible conflicts with System.Text when anyone wants to add Energy.Base namespace to using list. It was decided to keep it as it is while recommending using full class names in using list and synonyms as well.


HTML break.

Energy.Base.Text.BR = "<br>";

New line string. CR LF only for Windows, LF otherwise.

Energy.Base.Text.NL = "\r\n" | "\n"

Whitespace characters string.

Energy.Base.Text.WS = " \t\r\n\v";

An array of empty texts containing end-of-line characters.

Energy.Base.Text.NEWLINE_ARRAY = new string[] { "\r\n", "\n", "\r" };

Regular expression pattern for new line.

Energy.Base.Text.NEWLINE_PATTERN = "\r\n|\n|\r";


Introducing specialized class Energy.Base.Text.Quotation to help with quotation in texts.

"Hello ""John""..."

Use static method Energy.Base.Text.Quotation.From to create object directly from text identifier.

var q = Energy.Base.Text.Quotation.From("<<>>");

This method will create quotation definition object from a string. If string is null or empty, null will be returned.

If string contains only 1 character, it would be treated as prefix and suffix character, double suffix character will be used as escape sequence. If definition contains spaces but not starts with, it will be splited by it. First element of such array will be used as prefix, last one as suffix, and all elements between them will be treated as escape sequences. If the number of characters is even, first half will be treated as prefix, second as suffix, double suffix will be treated as escape sequence. If the number of characters is odd, middle character will be treated as escape character for suffix sequence of characters. It’s common to use backslash there.

Example Description
"'" Apostrophe will be used as prefix and suffix, double apostrophes are allowed.
"$%" Dollar will be used as prefix and percentage as suffix, double percentages are allowed.
"[[]]" [[ will be used as prefix and ]] as suffix, ]]]] will be treated as ]].
"%/%" Percentage will be used as prefix and suffix, / will be treated as escape character, so /% sequence is allowed.


Cut or return part of text which ends with one of ending sequences, supporting optional quotations.

If text contains part in quotes, it will be included as is, together with quotation characters until ending sequence is found.

When cutting text “a$b$Hello ‘$’$d” by dollar sign ($) as ending and apostrophes (’) as quotations text will be cutted in following pieces: “a”, “b”, “Hello ‘$’”, “d”.

Parameter Description
terminator Array of possible ending sequences.
quotation Array of possible quotations, written in the form used by Energy.Base.Text.Quotation.From ("'", "''", @"'\'", @"' '' \' '", "[]", "%", ...).
string Energy.Base.Text.Cut(string text, string[] terminator, string[] quotation)

When passing text as reference, original object will be replaced with what left. Use it in a loop until resulting text is empty to cut all parts.

string Energy.Base.Text.Cut(ref string text, string[] terminator, string[] quotation)


Exchange texts or characters between each other.

void Energy.Base.Text.Exchange(ref string first, ref string second)
void Energy.Base.Text.Exchange(ref char first, ref char second)


Select first non empty string element.

string Energy.Base.Text.Select(params string[] list)


Align and limit the text to the specified size. Cut the initial characters from the text value. If there are enough space, add a prefix and a suffix in order from the alignment direction of the text.

Some of parameters used are:

  • text : string

    Text value to be aligned in a cell. That’s obvious.

  • start : int

    The initial index of the text to be cut out. If less than zero, it indicates the last characters of the text.

  • fill : char

    Character that will be used if text is shorter than specified size.

  • pad : Energy.Enumeration.TextPad

    Padding direction, may be left or right. Because padding is defined as flags, center or middle is also avaiable.

  • prefix : string

    Optional prefix text that can be added if there is a space in resulting text to match size.

  • suffix : string

    Optional suffix text that can be added if there is a space in resulting text to match size.

There is also a version of Energy.Base.Text.Cell function which can return remains of text that did not fit in the specified size of text.

string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int start, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextPad pad, char fill, string prefix, string suffix, out string remains)
string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int start, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextPad pad, out string remains)
string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int start, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextPad pad, char fill, out string remains)
string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int start, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextPad pad)
string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int start, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextPad pad, char fill)
string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextPad pad, out string remains)
string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextPad pad, char fill, out string remains)
string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextPad pad)
string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextPad pad, char fill)

The same with Energy.Enumeration.TextAlign instead of Energy.Enumeration.TextPad.

string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int start, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextAlign align, out string remains)
string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int start, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextAlign align)
string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int start, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextAlign align, char fill)
string Energy.Base.Text.Cell(string text, int size, Energy.Enumeration.TextAlign align, out string remains)


string text;
text = "Ana's Song";
string cell;
cell = Energy.Base.Text.Cell(text, 0, 3, Energy.Enumeration.TextPad.Left);
// cell is now "Ana"
cell = Energy.Base.Text.Cell(text, -4, 4, Energy.Enumeration.TextPad.Left);
// cell is now "Song"


Escape text for regular expression.

string Energy.Base.Text.EscapeExpression(string text)


Generate random text. Resulting string will contain upper and lower latin letters and numbers only. You may expect length from 3 to 10 characters.

string Energy.Base.Text.Random()


Surround text with prefix and suffix, optionally adding prefix only when needed.

  • text : string

    Text to surround.

  • prefix : string

    Prefix to add at begining.

  • suffix : string

    Suffix to add at ending.

  • optional : bool

    Add prefix and suffix only when needed.

string Energy.Base.Text.Surround(string text, string prefix, string suffix, bool optional)


Repeat string pattern to specified amount of characters length.

string Energy.Base.Text.Texture(string pattern, int size)


Remove leading and trailing whitespace. Includes space, tabulation (horizontal and vertical), new line and null characters.

string Energy.Base.Text.Trim(string value)


Check if string contains one of wild characters (”*” or “?”).

bool Energy.Base.Text.IsWild(string text)


Check if string contains one of characters used in LIKE (”%” or “_”).

bool Energy.Base.Text.IsLike(string text)


Convert new line delimiter to specified one.

string Energy.Base.Text.ConvertNewLine(string text, string newLine)

Convert newline delimiter to environment default. Value of constant Energy.Base.Text.NL is used.

string Energy.Base.Text.ConvertNewLine(string text)


Join strings into one list with separator.

For example Energy.Base.Text.Join(” : “, “A”, “B”, “”, “C”) will return “A : B : : C”.

string Energy.Base.Text.Join(string glue, bool empty, params string[] array)

Join non empty and optionally empty strings into one list with separator.

For example Energy.Base.Text.Join(” : “, false, “A”, “B”, “”, “C”) will return “A : B : C”.

string Energy.Base.Text.Join(string glue, params string[] array)

Join elements of string dictionary.

string Energy.Base.Text.Join(string glue, string format, Dictionary<string, string> dictionary)
Dictionary<string, string> d = new Dictionary<string, string>();
d["a"] = "B";
d["c"] = "D";
string s = Energy.Base.Text.Join(", ", "{0}-{1}", d); // "a-B, c-D" 

Join elements of string-object dictionary.

string Energy.Base.Text.Join(string glue, string format, Dictionary<string, object> dictionary)


Surround text with quotation characters (”).

Escape existing quotation characters with additional quotation character (””).

string Energy.Base.Text.Quote(string text)

Surround text with quotation characters (”) optionally.

If optional parameter is true, text will be quoted only when text contains specified quotation character. Escape existing quotation characters with additional quotation character (””).

string Energy.Base.Text.Quote(string text, bool optional)

Surround text with specified quotation characters optionally.

If optional parameter is true, text will be quoted only when text contains specified quotation character. Escape existing quotation characters with additional quotation character.

string Energy.Base.Text.Quote(string text, string with, bool optional)

Surround text with specified quotation characters.

Escape existing quotation character with specified escape character.

string Energy.Base.Text.Quote(string text, string with, string escape)


// Excpect 'Hello\'John\'.'
Debug.WriteLine(Energy.Base.Text.Quote("Hello 'John'.", "'", "\\"));


Strip text from double quotation marks.

Two sequential quotation marks inside the text will be replaced by single characters.

string Energy.Base.Text.Strip(string text)

Strip text from quotation.

Two sequential quotation characters inside the text will be replaced by single characters.

string Energy.Base.Text.Strip(string text, char quote)
string Energy.Base.Text.Strip(string text, string quote)

Strip text from quotation.

Escape character for including quotation characters inside the text may be provided.

string Energy.Base.Text.Strip(string text, char quote, char escape)
string Energy.Base.Text.Strip(string text, string quote, string escape)

Strip text from quotation.

Escape character for including quotation characters inside the text may be provided.

string Energy.Base.Text.Strip(string text, string start, string end, string escape, out bool change)
string Energy.Base.Text.Strip(string text, string start, string end, string escape)

Strip text from quotation.

Escape character for including quotation characters inside the text may be provided.

Multiple variations may be set to allow different quotation styles to work.

string Energy.Base.Text.Strip(string text, string[] start, string[] end, string[] escape, out bool change)
string Energy.Base.Text.Strip(string text, string[] start, string[] end, string[] escape)


var qs = new string[] { "'", "`" };
var s1 = Energy.Base.Text.Strip("'It''s a dog eat dog world.'", qs, qs, qs);
var s2 = Energy.Base.Text.Strip("`It``s a dog eat dog world.`", qs, qs, qs);
var qa = new string[] { "@\"", "\"" };
var qb = new string[] { "\"", "\"" };
var qe = new string[] { "\"\"", "\\" };
var s1 = Energy.Base.Text.Strip("@\"Verbatim \"\"style\"\" example", qa, qb, qe);
var s2 = Energy.Base.Text.Strip("\"Normal \\\"style\\\" example", qa, qb, qe);


Checks if string contains only digits.

bool Energy.Base.Text.HasDigitsOnly(string value)


Checks if string is an integer number.

bool Energy.Base.Text.IsInteger(string value, bool negative)
bool Energy.Base.Text.IsInteger(string value)


Checks if string is a long integer number.

bool Energy.Base.Text.IsLong(string value, bool negative)
bool Energy.Base.Text.IsLong(string value)


Return empty string when string parameter is null or string parameter itself otherwise. This function ensures string objects are always defined.

string Energy.Base.Text.EmptyIfNull(string value)


Returns first non empty string from a parameter list. Strings are considered to be empty if they are null. Function will return empty string (””) if parameter list is empty.

string Energy.Base.Text.TextIfEmpty(params string[] input)


Returns first non white string from a parameter list. White string is considered to be null, zero length or string containing only whitespace characters. Function will return empty string (””) if parameter list is empty.

string Energy.Base.Text.TextIfWhite(params string[] input)


Remove whitespace characters from entire string.

string Energy.Base.Text.RemoveWhite(string value)


Check if text or character array contains whitespace.

string Energy.Base.Text.ContainsWhite(char[] array)
string Energy.Base.Text.ContainsWhite(string text)


Replace whitespace characters with replacement string in entire string.

string Energy.Base.Text.ReplaceWhite(string text, string replacement)


Find System.Text.Encoding for specified name.

Get System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 by default or if encoding not exists.

Treats UCS-2 the same as UTF-16 besides differences.

Accepts values like “UTF-8”, “UTF”, “UTF8”, “UNICODE”, “UCS-2 LE”, “UCS-2 BE”, “1250”, “1252”, and so on.

System.Text.Encoding Energy.Base.Text.Encoding(string encoding)


Return a word with its first letter upper case and remaining letters in lower case.

string Energy.Base.Text.Capitalize(string word)

Return array of words with their first letters upper case and remaining letters in lower case.

string Energy.Base.Text.Capitalize(string word)


Change letters in a word to upper case.

string Energy.Base.Text.Upper(string word)

Change letters in word list to upper case.

string Energy.Base.Text.Upper(string[] words)

The reason why this function is included is that it works with unicode.


Change letters in a word to lower case.

string Energy.Base.Text.Lower(string[] words)

Change letters in word list to lower case.

string Energy.Base.Text.Lower(string[] words)

The reason why this function is included is that it works with unicode also.


Include leading text if not already present at the begining.

string Energy.Base.Text.IncludeLeading(string text, string missing)
string Energy.Base.Text.IncludeLeading(string text, string missing, bool ignoreCase)

Include leading character if not already present at the begining.

string Energy.Base.Text.IncludeLeading(string text, char missing)
string Energy.Base.Text.IncludeLeading(string text, char missing, bool ignoreCase)


Include trailing text if not already present at the end.

string Energy.Base.Text.IncludeTrailing(string text, string missing)
string Energy.Base.Text.IncludeTrailing(string text, string missing, bool ignoreCase)

Include leading character if not already present at the end.

string Energy.Base.Text.IncludeTrailing(string text, char missing)
string Energy.Base.Text.IncludeTrailing(string text, char missing, bool ignoreCase)


Remove empty lines from string.

string Energy.Base.Text.RemoveEmptyLines(string text)


Remove empty elements from array of strings.

New array will be returned.

string[] Energy.Base.Text.RemoveEmptyElements(string[] array)

Remove empty elements from list of strings.

List will be modified and returned back.

void Energy.Base.Text.RemoveEmptyElements(List<string> list)


Check if text contains searched string.

bool Energy.Base.Text.Contains(string text, string search, bool ignoreCase)
bool Energy.Base.Text.Contains(string text, string search)

Check if text representation of object contains searched string.

bool Energy.Base.Text.Contains(object o, string search, bool ignoreCase)
bool Energy.Base.Text.Contains(object o, string search)