Type conversion


Generic conversion from one type to another.

T Energy.Base.Cast.As<T>(object value)
object Energy.Base.Cast.As(System.Type type, object value)


Convert object to double value without exception. Treat comma “,” the same as dot “.” as decimal point when converting from string.

double Energy.Base.Cast.ObjectToDouble(object value)


Convert object to decimal number. Treat comma “,” the same as dot “.” as decimal point when converting from string.

double Energy.Base.Cast.ObjectToDouble(object value)


Convert object to long integer number.

long Energy.Base.Cast.ObjectToLong(object value)


Convert object to long integer number.

ulong Energy.Base.Cast.ObjectToUnsignedLong(object value)


Convert object to boolean value.

bool Energy.Base.Cast.ObjectToBool(object value)


Convert object to formal JSON value string.

string Energy.Base.Cast.ObjectToJsonValue(object value)


Convert JSON value string to an object.

object Energy.Base.Cast.JsonValueToObject(string text)


Convert string to decimal value without exception. Treat comma “,” the same as dot “.” as decimal point.

decimal Energy.Base.Cast.StringToDecimal(string value, NumberStyles numberStyles)
decimal Energy.Base.Cast.StringToDecimal(string value)


Convert string to long integer value without exception removing numerical differences.

long Energy.Base.Cast.StringToLongSmart(string value)


Convert string to unsigned long integer value without exception removing numerical differences.

long Energy.Base.Cast.StringToUnsignedLongSmart(string value)


Convert boolean value to its string representation.

string Energy.Base.Cast.BoolToString(bool value, Energy.Enumeration.BooleanStyle style)


Convert string to enumeration value.

object Energy.Base.Cast.StringToEnum(string value, Type type)


Remove numerical differences from text representation of number.

Treat comma “,” the same as dot “.” as decimal point.

Ignore space, underscore and apostrophes between digits.

string Energy.Base.Cast.RemoveNumericalDifferences(string value)


Represents memory size as a string containing a numeric value with an attached size unit.

Units used are: “B”, “KB”, “MB”, “GB”, “TB”, “PB”, “EB”.

string Energy.Base.Cast.MemorySizeToString(long sizeInBytes, int decimalPlaces, bool numberCeiling)


Convert integer to hexadecimal value.

Resulting string will have count specified by size of digits or letters (A-F).

For int which is the synonym of System.Int32 resulting string will be 8 characters long.

If number representation will be larger than size, it will be truncated to the last characters.

Example: IntegerToHex(100000, 4) will result with “86a0” instead of “186a0” or “186a”.

string Energy.Base.Cast.IntegerToHex(int value)


Convert hexadecimal string to integer value (System.Int32).

int Energy.Base.Cast.HexToInteger(string hex)


Convert octal string to integer value (System.Int32).

int Energy.Base.Cast.OctToInteger(string oct)


Convert string to a stream using specified encoding.

Stream Energy.Base.Cast.StringToStream(string value, Encoding encoding)

If encoding is not specified, UTF-8 will be used.

Stream Energy.Base.Cast.StringToStream(string value)

Always try to use streams in using section to properly free allocated objects like in the following example of unit test using this function.

string needle = "€";
byte[] buffer;

using (Stream stream = Energy.Base.Cast.StringToStream(needle))
    int length = (int)stream.Length;
    buffer = new byte[length];
    stream.Read(buffer, 0, length);
Assert.AreEqual(0, Energy.Base.Bit.Compare(new byte[] { 226, 130, 172 }, buffer));

using (Stream stream = Energy.Base.Cast.StringToStream(needle, encoding: Encoding.Unicode))
    int length = (int)stream.Length;
    buffer = new byte[length];
    stream.Read(buffer, 0, length);
Assert.AreEqual(0, Energy.Base.Bit.Compare(new byte[] { 172, 32 }, buffer));


Convert string to short integer value without exception.

ushort Energy.Base.Cast.StringToShort(string value)

You may want to set additional options like allow decimal point in numbers or exceeding value. When value exceeds maximum, reminder will be returned.

ushort Energy.Base.Cast.StringToShort(string value, bool point, bool exceed)


Convert string to short integer value without exception.

ushort Energy.Base.Cast.StringToUnsignedShort(string value)

You may want to set additional options like allow decimal point in numbers or exceeding value. When value exceeds maximum, reminder will be returned. In addition when exceed parameter is true, negative values will be returned as positive.

ushort Energy.Base.Cast.StringToUnsignedShort(string value, bool point, bool exceed)