Classes, objects and assemblies

Energy.Base.Class contains functions related to classes, objects and assemblies.

You will find here functions to modify fields or properties of C# objects.


Get default value of specified type.

object Energy.Base.Class.GetDefault(System.Type type)
T Energy.Base.Class.GetDefault<T>()


Get list of names of all fields and properties of specified class type.

string[] Energy.Base.Class.GetFieldsAndProperties(Type type, bool includePrivate, bool includePublic)
string[] Energy.Base.Class.GetFieldsAndProperties(Type type, bool includePrivate)

Get list of names of public fields and properties of specified class type.

string[] Energy.Base.Class.GetFieldsAndProperties(Type type)


Get first attribute value for a field or property of desired class.

object Energy.Base.Class.GetFieldOrPropertyAttribute(Type type, string name, Type attribute)
T Energy.Base.Class.GetFieldOrPropertyAttribute<T>(Type type, string name)      


Get custom attributes of field or property of a class.

object[] Energy.Base.Class.GetFieldOrPropertyAttributes(Type type, string field, Type filter, bool inherit, bool ignoreCase)
T[] Energy.Base.Class.GetFieldOrPropertyAttributes<T>(Type type, string field, bool inherit, bool ignoreCase)
object[] Energy.Base.Class.GetFieldOrPropertyAttributes(Type type, string field, Type filter)


Filter types that implements specified interface.

System.Type[] Energy.Base.Class.GetTypesWithInterface(System.Type[] types, System.Type interfaceType)


Get first type that implements specified interface. Return null if not found.

System.Type Energy.Base.Class.GetTypeWithInterface(System.Type[] types, System.Type interfaceType)


Filter types that have specified attribute.

System.Type[] Energy.Base.Class.GetTypesWithAttribute(System.Type[] types, System.Type attributeType)


Get first type having specified attribute. Return null if not found.

System.Type Energy.Base.Class.GetTypeWithAttribute(System.Type[] types, System.Type attributeType)


Get desired attribute for a class or null if not found.

object Energy.Base.Class.GetClassAttribute(Type type, Type attribute)
T Energy.Base.Class.GetClassAttribute<T>(Type type)


True if class is static and cannot be instantiated.

bool Energy.Base.Class.IsStatic(Type type)


True if object of specified class can be created. At least one public constructor needs to be found. Function will result false for for static class type.

bool Energy.Base.Class.IsInstance(Type type)


True if class has public parameterless constructor.

bool Energy.Base.Class.HasParameterlessConstructor(Type type)


True if class has at least one public constructor with specified number parameters.

bool Energy.Base.Class.HasParameteredConstructor(Type type, int minimumParameterCount, int maximumParameterCount)

True if class has constructor with one or more parameters.

bool Energy.Base.Class.HasParameteredConstructor(Type type)


Mangle object by applying a function to each field and property of specified type. Returns number of fields and properties affected.

int Energy.Base.Class.Mangle<T>(object subject, bool includePrivate, bool includePublic
    , Energy.Base.Anonymous.Function<T, T> function)
var o = new { Text = " Text " };
Energy.Base.Class.Mangle<string>(o, delegate (string _) { return (_ as string ?? "").Trim(); });

Mangle object by applying a function to each public field and property of specified type. Returns number of fields and properties affected.

int Energy.Base.Class.Mangle<T>(object subject, Energy.Base.Anonymous.Function<T, T> function)

Mangle object by applying a function to public field or property of specified class type. Returns 1 if value was changed, 0 if not found or read only.

int Energy.Base.Class.Mangle<T>(object subject, string name, bool includePrivate, bool includePublic
    , Energy.Base.Anonymous.Function<T, T> function)
var msg = new TextClass() { Text = "" };
if (1 == Energy.Base.Class.Mangle<string>(msg, "Text", delegate { return "Hello"; }))
    Debug.WriteLine("I just set Text field or property to " + msg.Text);
var anon = new { Text = (string)null };
if (0 == Energy.Base.Class.Mangle<string>(anon, "Text", delegate { return "Hello"; }))
    Debug.WriteLine("I can't change anything in anonymous object");

Mangle object by applying a function to public field or property of specified class type. Returns 1 if value was changed, 0 if not found or read only.

int Energy.Base.Class.Mangle<T>(object subject, string name, Energy.Base.Anonymous.Function<T, T> function)


Get filename of assembly.

This is just a simple alias for Location field of assembly object.

string Energy.Base.Class.GetAssemblyFile(System.Reflection.Assembly assembly)


Get directory name of assembly.

string Energy.Base.Class.GetAssemblyDirectory(System.Reflection.Assembly assembly)