
Functions that support hexadecimal numeral system conversions.


Convert byte array to hexadecimal string.

string Energy.Base.Hex.ArrayToHex(byte[] array)
string Energy.Base.Hex.ArrayToHex(byte[] array, string space)


Convert hexadecimal string to byte array.

This is strict version of conversion function.

Hexadecimal string should contain only digits and small or upper letters A-F. Any other character is treated as zero.

byte[] Energy.Base.Hex.HexToArray(string hex)

This version of conversion function allows to use whitespace characters.

byte[] Energy.Base.Hex.HexToArray(string hex, bool ignoreWhite)

This version of conversion function allows to use prefixes (like “0x” or “$”) and whitespace characters.

byte[] Energy.Base.Hex.HexToArray(string hex, bool ignoreWhite, string[] prefix)
var b = Energy.Base.Hex.HexToArray("0x 12 33", true, new string[] { "0x" });


Convert binary string to hexadecimal string.

string Energy.Base.Hex.BinToHex(string bin)


Convert hexadecimal string to binary string.

Note that hexadecimal “0” will be represented with leading zeroes as “0000” in binary. Resulting binary string will always have a length divisible by 4.

Works also when hexadecimal string starts with “0x” or “$”.

string Energy.Base.Hex.HexToBin(string hex)


Convert hexadecimal string to byte value (System.Byte).

byte Energy.Base.Hex.HexToByte(string hex)


Remove leading prefix “0x”, “0X” or “$” from hexadecimal string.

string Energy.Base.Hex.RemovePrefix(string hex)


Convert byte to printable character.

All non-ASCII characters will be represented as dot character. Bytes 0, 128 and 255 will be represented as space.

char Energy.Base.Hex.ByteToPrintable(byte b)