Energy Core Library


Credit for the logo goes to Damian Zaleski zal3wa at


Energy.Core is a .NET class library which boosts your program with functionality covering various type conversions, utility classes, database abstraction layer, object mapping and simple application framework.

To be used by wide range of applications, services, web or console programs.

☢️ Filled with radioactive rays ☢️

Designed for all purposes as a set of different classes compiled into one library file.

It has minimal set of external dependencies and is available for several .NET platform versions.

Supports multithreading and asynchronous design patterns.


It’s compatible with classic .NET plaftform versions .NET 2.0, .NET 3.5, .NET 4.0 and later.

Supports .NET Core platform with minimum version .NET Standard 2.0.

.NET Compact Framework is also supported, available as separate download.

Some parts of library may use additional .NET libraries like System.Xml.Serialization.


The latest builds can be found at NuGet.

Package for Windows CE development needs to be downloaded directly from project page.